About Us​

Since 2013, the Chaffee County Health Coalition has been meeting to discuss how to increase collaboration, identify overlap and duplication of services, and work to improve access to health and wellness in Chaffee County.

The coalition provides a forum for those who have an interest in some aspect of health and wellness, including medical providers, dental providers, mental health providers, local schools, health coaches, members of the county departments of human services and public health, and local health advocates.

Chaffee County on map of colorado
Diversity directional sign

Our Vision

All people in Chaffee County have opportunities to achieve healthy and connected lives in a community that embraces every aspect of health and wellbeing.

Our Mission

Through leadership, expertise and collaboration, we enhance Chaffee County’s wellbeing by promoting and protecting health where we live, learn, work and play.

Hand placing puzzle together

Our Values

Formal commitment to the coalition and our goals and mission.

Inclusivity in and open-mindedness toward coalition work.

Collaboration to leverage services, planning, and visioning.

Everyone has the right and the responsibility to healthcare, wellness and prevention.

We work to meet the needs of community.

Coalition members maintain transparency and ‘bring all their cards to the table.’

Our Goals

Formal commitment to the coalition and our goals and mission.

Inclusivity in and open-mindedness toward coalition work.

Collaboration to leverage services, planning, and visioning.

Everyone has the right and the responsibility to healthcare, wellness and prevention.

We work to meet the needs of community.

Coalition members maintain transparency and ‘bring all their cards to the table.’