Organization Name: Colorado Child Care Assistance Program

The Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP) in Chaffee County is able to help families that are at or below 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) pay for their child care while they work. That means if a family of 4 gross income is at or below $4416.67/month you could get help paying for your child care.
CCCAP does not pay the full cost of child care, parents are required to pay a part, which is based on gross income and household size, and called parental fee, and then the County pays any remaining balance to the provider.

Phone of organization: (719) 530-2500
Contact person: Jade Lopez
Phone of Contact Person: (719) 530-2508
Email of Contact Person:
Organization's Email:
Physical address: 448 E 1st Street Rm 166 Salida, Colorado 81201
Mailing address: 448 E 1st Street Rm 166 Salida, Colorado 81201