I am a certified and licensed therapist. Come enjoy the healing of a mountain meadow where you can rest in safety and peace. Meditate on the vastness of the open land before you. Be moved by the compassion of the infinite. Seek truth and gather inspiration for the journey ahead. Mountain Meadow Massage Therapy offers a variety of relaxing and therapeutic massages and body work.
Relaxing and Therapeutic Massages
- Swedish / Soft Tissue Massage
- Deep Tissue Massage
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Applied CranioSacral Therapy
- Visceral Manipulation
- Raindrop Therapy
- Myofascial Decompression Cupping
- Touch Therapy
Inspirational Body Treatments
- Reflexology
- Hot Foot Soak
- Hot Oil Scalp Massage
- Sugar Scrub
- Salt Scrub
- Face Massage
- Paprika Circulation Treatment
- Wrap