Spring Cleaning Begins Within: Mind, Body, and Spirit :Spring and Chinese Medicine: Wisdom for Cleansing, Renewal, and Peace of Mind (by Jacqueline Allen, Two Roots Acupuncture)

In the Northern Hemisphere, we have officially crossed the vernal equinox and moved into the season of spring. The duration of light each day now exceeds the dark and continues to increase, an expression of growing Yang energy. Yet, globally and locally we are feeling the opposite energies manifest, as more and more Yin energy (staying home, closing all non-critical operations, etc.) is being called upon for health and safety. This contradiction can be hard to reconcile with. However, if we continue to cultivate the wisdom of spring within our new routines, we can feel greater harmony within the global mission we are being asked to embrace.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, living with the seasons is paramount in the cultivation of health and wellness, and spring is all about creation. As we are being asked to isolate and be still, we are challenged to find new ways to express this inherent spring energy. You yourself may be noticing a natural inclination already in motion. Maybe you are feeling a desire to be creative by drawing, writing, playing music, singing, cooking, baking, or dancing – now that you have space to do so. When we focus our intention, creation can bring about new ideas, new art, new rituals, and new expressions; re-invigorating our dance with life itself. Consciously existing in every moment is a way we can create; a new you, a new us, and a new world. This is the Yang within the Yin that we are currently being called upon to explore. It is the light within the dark. It is the love within the fear. We must continue to acknowledge and embrace the creative energy that spring is bringing to each of us, even during this time.

Let the spring wind move through you uninhibited: create, cleanse, move consciously, grow, and renew. Create daily practices that nourish you and nourish who you want to be when we all emerge together from this cocoon. Cleanse yourself of old patterns that no longer serve you; patterns of stagnation, patterns of negativity, patterns of limitation. Move consciously; continue to explore safe ways of soaking up sun and light, practice qi gong or yoga, dance like no one is watching. Take this opportunity to grow through collective challenge; cultivate gratitude, watch the sunrise, maybe plant a garden, and nourish yourself with good food, eating all things fresh and green. Renew every cell in your being, bring intention into your every engagement, and let love guide every interaction.

Keeping in mind that even in this challenging time, there is renewal taking place within us and within the world. We are awakening to a new awareness and new ways of being. Let us regenerate at home within ourselves and within our families, so that when we all emerge from this darkness like a singular globally sprouting seed, we may grow together toward a new world, a new consciousness, and a new way of being. As you move through these changing times…be kind to yourself and be kind to others. Spring cleaning really starts from within.